16  Employment Centers

import contextily as ctx
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandana as pdna
import pandas as pd
from geosnap import DataStore
from geosnap import analyze as gaz
from geosnap import io as gio
from esda.getisord import G_Local
from libpysal.graph import Graph
from libpysal.cg import alpha_shape_auto
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint
from shapely import concave_hull

%load_ext watermark
%watermark -a 'eli knaap'  -iv
The watermark extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext watermark
Author: eli knaap

contextily: 1.6.2
geopandas : 1.0.1
pandas    : 2.2.3
matplotlib: 3.10.0
pandana   : 0.7
geosnap   : 0.14.1.dev14+g0443e2a.d20250103
libpysal  : 4.12.1
esda      : 2.6.0
shapely   : 2.0.6

Giuliano & Small (1991), Giuliano & A. Small (1999), Giuliano et al. (2007), Giuliano et al. (2012) Cervero & Wu (1998), Gordon & Richardson (1996), Helsley & Sullivan (1991), McDonald & McMillen (2000)

16.1 Start with an Accessibility Surface

datasets = DataStore()
sd_acs = gio.get_acs(datasets, county_fips="06073", years=[2021], level="tract")
sd_lodes = gio.get_lodes(datasets, county_fips="06073", years="2021")
sd_network = pdna.Network.from_hdf5(
sd_network.precompute(2500)  # generate contraction hierarchies
/Users/knaaptime/Dropbox/projects/geosnap/geosnap/io/util.py:275: UserWarning: Unable to find local adjustment year for 2021. Attempting from online data
/Users/knaaptime/Dropbox/projects/geosnap/geosnap/io/constructors.py:215: UserWarning: Currency columns unavailable at this resolution; not adjusting for inflation
Generating contraction hierarchies with 16 threads.
Setting CH node vector of size 332554
Setting CH edge vector of size 522484
Range graph removed 143094 edges of 1044968
. 10% . 20% . 30% . 40% . 50% . 60% . 70% . 80% . 90% . 100%

get the intersection IDs nearest to the centroid of each census block (mapping the job data to the travel network)

save these IDs as a variable on the input dataframe so we can use them as a join index

sd_lodes["node_ids"] = sd_network.get_node_ids(
    sd_lodes.centroid.geometry.x, sd_lodes.centroid.geometry.y

# get the node ids for tracts (for visualization
sd_acs["node_ids"] = sd_network.get_node_ids(
    sd_acs.centroid.geometry.x, sd_acs.centroid.geometry.y
/var/folders/j8/5bgcw6hs7cqcbbz48d6bsftw0000gp/T/ipykernel_59080/430745399.py:2: UserWarning: Geometry is in a geographic CRS. Results from 'centroid' are likely incorrect. Use 'GeoSeries.to_crs()' to re-project geometries to a projected CRS before this operation.

  sd_lodes.centroid.geometry.x, sd_lodes.centroid.geometry.y
/var/folders/j8/5bgcw6hs7cqcbbz48d6bsftw0000gp/T/ipykernel_59080/430745399.py:7: UserWarning: Geometry is in a geographic CRS. Results from 'centroid' are likely incorrect. Use 'GeoSeries.to_crs()' to re-project geometries to a projected CRS before this operation.

  sd_acs.centroid.geometry.x, sd_acs.centroid.geometry.y

set the job variable onto the network

sd_network.set(sd_lodes.node_ids, sd_lodes.total_employees.values, name="jobs")
Removed 12657 rows because they contain missing values

create an aggregation query (here, a distance-weighted sum with a linear decay up to 2000 meters)

job_access_exp = sd_network.aggregate(2000, name="jobs", decay="exp").rename(
sd_acs = sd_acs.merge(job_access_exp, left_on="node_ids", right_index=True)
sd_lodes = sd_lodes.merge(job_access_exp, left_on="node_ids", right_index=True)

16.2 Identifying Centers

16.2.1 An Aggregate Approach

just use zones and contiguity relationships

wacs = Graph.build_contiguity(sd_acs, rook=False).assign_self_weight(1)

g_jobs = G_Local(sd_acs.job_access.values, wacs, star=True)

centers = sd_acs[["geoid", "job_access", "geometry"]].copy()
centers["pvalue"] = g_jobs.p_sim
centers["job_rank"] = centers.job_access.rank(pct=True)

# define subcenter as: total job access in top quintile, significant (G_i*) spatial cluster

subcenters = centers[(centers.pvalue < 0.05) & (centers.job_rank > 0.8)]

subcenters.explore(tiles="CartoDB Positron")
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Use a spatial weights matrix to dissolve contiguous centers McMillen (2003)

w_subcent = Graph.build_contiguity(subcenters, rook=False)
subcenters["center"] = w_subcent.component_labels
subcenters["center"] = subcenters["center"].apply(lambda x: f"center {x}")
subcenters = subcenters.dissolve("center")

subcenters.explore(tiles="CartoDB Positron")
/Users/knaaptime/miniforge3/envs/urban_analysis/lib/python3.12/site-packages/geopandas/geodataframe.py:1819: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
  super().__setitem__(key, value)
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16.2.2 A Detailed Approach

Since we’re operating on census tracts, our resulting subcenters are a function of tract size and contiguity, but the data are actually much higher resolution than that. We have computed accessibility at the intersection level, rather than the tract level, so we could instead look for significant \(G_i\ast\) clusters of these intersections instead (then wrap a polygon around them). This is the approach taken in Knaap and Rey (forthcoming)

With the new libpysal Graph, we can also use network distances to create our weights object, rather than relying on contiguity between polygons

nodes_df = sd_network.nodes_df.copy()
all_intersections = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
    nodes_df, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(nodes_df.x, nodes_df.y, crs=4326)
all_intersections = gpd.overlay(
    sd_acs[sd_acs.n_total_pop > 0],

all_intersections = all_intersections.set_index("id")[["geometry"]].join(job_access_exp)

/var/folders/j8/5bgcw6hs7cqcbbz48d6bsftw0000gp/T/ipykernel_59080/856311114.py:1: UserWarning: CRS mismatch between the CRS of left geometries and the CRS of right geometries.
Use `to_crs()` to reproject one of the input geometries to match the CRS of the other.

Left CRS: EPSG:4326
Right CRS: EPSG:4269

  all_intersections = gpd.overlay(
geometry job_access
17413808 POINT (-117.48236 33.31377) 411.692059
17413859 POINT (-117.44301 33.27226) 0.000000
28828453 POINT (-117.23325 32.76422) 982.422952
48857408 POINT (-117.19447 33.12653) 1815.748679
48857412 POINT (-117.10073 32.82399) 755.604102
all_intersections.plot("job_access", scheme="quantiles", k=10, alpha=0.4)

(245061, 2)

That’s a really big problem, so let’s simplify and use the subset of nodes where blocks are attached

sd_lodes = sd_lodes.to_crs(sd_lodes.estimate_utm_crs())
all_intersections = all_intersections.to_crs(all_intersections.estimate_utm_crs())
# only the nodes attached to a census block
lodes_nodes = all_intersections[all_intersections.index.isin(sd_lodes.node_ids)]

lodes_nodes.plot("job_access", scheme="quantiles", k=10, alpha=0.4)

This is still extremely detailed, but we are not including additional geometries where we have no actual data points (i.e. our resolution is only as fine as the block-level where the jobs data come from)

Now we use the nodes_in_range function to return an adjacency list of nodes within two kilometers and convert that into a libpysal.Graph

w_dist = sd_network.nodes_in_range(lodes_nodes.index.unique(), 2000)
g = Graph.from_adjacency(w_dist, "source", "destination", "distance")
# ignore distance for now and treat distance-band as discrete within threshold (then row-standardize)
g = g.transform("b").assign_self_weight(1)

Now, g is a PySAL graph object that encodes observations as neighbors if they are within a 2km shortest-path distance along the travel network.

g_nodes = G_Local(lodes_nodes.job_access, g, permutations=9999)

lodes_nodes["pvalue"] = g_nodes.p_sim
lodes_nodes["job_rank"] = lodes_nodes.job_access.rank(pct=True)

center_nodes = lodes_nodes[(lodes_nodes.pvalue < 0.05) & (lodes_nodes.job_rank > 0.8)]
center_nodes = center_nodes.set_crs(sd_lodes.crs)

center_nodes.explore(tiles="CartoDB Positron")
/Users/knaaptime/miniforge3/envs/urban_analysis/lib/python3.12/site-packages/geopandas/geodataframe.py:1819: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
  super().__setitem__(key, value)
/Users/knaaptime/miniforge3/envs/urban_analysis/lib/python3.12/site-packages/geopandas/geodataframe.py:1819: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
  super().__setitem__(key, value)
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Moving to the intersection scale results in a much larger employment center footprint, because there are many more observations, the surface is much more distinct, and its easier to pick out spatial outliers. The difficulty is that now our dataset is represented as a collection of points, when we want to identify discrete center polygons.

To do that, we first define a range wherein points are considered to belong to the same center (instead of setting this with a discrete threshold rule, you could alternatively use something like DBscan). Then, for each set of points, we wrap a tightly-fitted polygon that represents the “center”.

# w_dist_subcenters = DistanceBand.from_dataframe(center_nodes, threshold=1000)
w_dist_subcenters = sd_network.nodes_in_range(center_nodes.index, 2000)
g_subcenters = Graph.from_adjacency(
    w_dist_subcenters, "source", "destination", "distance"
center_nodes["center"] = g_subcenters.component_labels
center_nodes.explore("center", categorical=True, tiles="CartoDB Positron")
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shapes = [
        center_nodes[center_nodes.center == i]
        .geometry.get_coordinates()[["x", "y"]]
    for i in center_nodes.center.unique()

node_subcenters = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=shapes, crs=center_nodes.crs)


node_subcenters = node_subcenters[~node_subcenters.geometry.is_empty]

    "index", categorical=True, tiles="CartoDB Positron"
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16.2.3 Alternative Polygons

rather than an alpha_shape, we could use other concave hull methods, e.g. from shapely

MultiPoint(center_nodes[center_nodes.center == 1].geometry.tolist())

hulls = {}

for ratio in [.05, .1, .2]:
    hulls[f'ch {ratio}'] = concave_hull(MultiPoint(center_nodes[center_nodes.center == 1].geometry.tolist()),
hulls["ch 0.05"]

hulls["ch 0.1"]

hulls["ch 0.2"]

hulls["alpha"] = alpha_shape_auto(
    center_nodes[center_nodes.center == 1]
    .geometry.geometry.get_coordinates()[["x", "y"]]

{'ch 0.05': <POLYGON ((501308.304 3633209.555, 500856.468 3633707.787, 501307.6 3633574....>,
 'ch 0.1': <POLYGON ((501308.304 3633209.555, 500856.468 3633707.787, 501307.6 3633574....>,
 'ch 0.2': <POLYGON ((501308.304 3633209.555, 500856.468 3633707.787, 501307.6 3633574....>,
 'alpha': <POLYGON ((505681.363 3628392.019, 505677.745 3628152.689, 505658.072 362808...>}
ch 0.05    POLYGON ((501308.304 3633209.555, 500856.468 3...
ch 0.1     POLYGON ((501308.304 3633209.555, 500856.468 3...
ch 0.2     POLYGON ((501308.304 3633209.555, 500856.468 3...
alpha      POLYGON ((505681.363 3628392.019, 505677.745 3...
dtype: geometry
isos = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=gpd.GeoSeries(hulls), crs=node_subcenters.crs)
ch 0.05 POLYGON ((501308.304 3633209.555, 500856.468 3...
ch 0.1 POLYGON ((501308.304 3633209.555, 500856.468 3...
ch 0.2 POLYGON ((501308.304 3633209.555, 500856.468 3...
alpha POLYGON ((505681.363 3628392.019, 505677.745 3...
f,ax = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(12,8))

for i in range(4):
    center_nodes[center_nodes.center == 1].plot(ax=ax[i])
    isos.iloc[[i]].plot(ax=ax[i], alpha=0.4)

shapes_ch = [
        MultiPoint(center_nodes[center_nodes.center == i].geometry.tolist()),
    for i in center_nodes.center.unique()
node_subcenters_ch = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=shapes_ch, crs=center_nodes.crs)
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16.3 Comparison


Employment Centers are identified as areas with a high concentration of employment based on SANDAG’s 2016 employment inventory from Urbansim summarized to quarter-mile radius hexagons. Local-maxima were identified as starting points, and regions were grown to include neighboring hexagons meeting a minimum employment density threshold within an approximate 2-mile radius. The resulting boundaries were generalized (taking into account major barrier features such as topography and freeways) and used to select SANDAG Master Geographic Reference Areas (MGRAs) by activity-weighted (population and employment) centroid. Employment centers are ranked by Tier based on total number of jobs:

Tier 1: 50,000 or more jobs

Tier 2: 25,000 to 49,999 jobs

Tier 3: 15,000 to 24,999 jobs

Tier 4: 2,500 to 14,999 jobs

Hexbin geography (where people live map layers) – generated using a quarter-mile radius hex bin grid overlay on the region. Data is summarized by hex bin spatially using the centroid of an overlying geography.

Where people live by Employment Center they Work In –2015 LEHD census block level data; converted to hexbin (see hexbin geography). LEHD data was used as it contains information on both the home and work location. Data represents an employee residence by the employment center they work in. https://lehd.ces.census.gov/data/.

sandag = gpd.read_file("https://opendata.sandag.org/resource/ixp5-dfuk.geojson")
m = sandag.explore(tiles="CartoDB Positron")
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These are the official SANDAG employment centers

SANDAG employment centers in blue versus the accessibility method in red

node_subcenters.reset_index().explore(color="red", m=m)
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Although the extent of the polygons differ, the accessibility method agrees with the SANDAG employment centers for all centers in Tiers 1-3. With the exception of Carlsbad, Oceanside, and Encinitas, most of SANDAG’s tier 4 centers fail to meet either the density or significant threshold (often both)

In the map below, the access-based employment centers are represented using intersecting census block geometries

m = sandag.explore(tiles="CartoDB Positron")
gpd.sjoin(sd_lodes, node_subcenters).dissolve("index_right").explore(color="red", m=m)
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ignoring the G statistic and looking only at nodes with job access in the top quartile

m = sandag.explore(tiles="CartoDB Positron")
lodes_nodes[lodes_nodes.job_rank > 0.75].explore(m=m, color="red")
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When employment accessibility, alone, is the selection criteria (as in the map above), using nodes in the top quintile usually finds the remaining Tier 4 centers, except for some exurban places like Ramona and Otay Mesa

If you really want to be generous, just take the top half of the access distribution

m = sandag.explore(tiles="CartoDB Positron")
lodes_nodes[lodes_nodes.job_rank > 0.5].explore(m=m, color="red")
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With this simple rule, we cover all the areas defined by SANDAG, albeit with a much higher resolution

 c = center_nodes.groupby('center')['geometry'].apply(lambda x:MultiPoint(x.tolist())).concave_hull(ratio=0.3)
 gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=c, crs=sd_lodes.crs).explore()
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