%load_ext watermark
%watermark -a 'eli knaap' -v -d -u -p geopandas,geosnap
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%watermark -a 'eli knaap' -v -d -u -p geopandas,geosnap
Simulating land-use change in a cellular automata framework is one of the oldest traditions in urban growth modeling. Traditionally, a land-use model like SLEUTH uses a few different parameters calibrated on historical data to control the probability of a unit of land transitioning into a different kind of use (Brail, 2008; Dietzel & Clarke, 2006; Dietzel & Clarke, 2007; Guan & Clarke, 2010; Jantz et al., 2010).
Here, we’ll start with no data and build a simple CA model with a single transition rule using a spatial Markov framework. That is, the probability of a unit transitioning into different uses is a probabilistic function of its current state, and the states of the units around it. Using data from NLCD, we can observe how often these transitions occurred in the past, including how those transitions are conditioned by different spatial contexts. Then we can use that model to simulate conditions into the future.
import tobler
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from geosnap import DataStore
from import get_acs
Start by grabbing tract-level data for the Detroit-ish region
= DataStore() datasets
/Users/knaaptime/Dropbox/projects/geosnap/geosnap/ UserWarning: The geosnap data storage class is provided for convenience only. The geosnap developers make no promises regarding data quality, consistency, or availability, nor are they responsible for any use/misuse of the data. The end-user is responsible for any and all analyses or applications created with the package.
= ['26163', '26099', '26125'] counties
= get_acs(datasets, county_fips=counties, level="tract", years=[2018]) tracts
= tracts.to_crs(tracts.estimate_utm_crs()) tracts
=[]) tracts.explore(tooltip