In concept, segregation is about separation; when we measure residential segregation, we are asking whether people belonging to different groups share the same space, often conceived as the same ‘neighborhood’. This is a more ambiguous task than measuring, for example, educational segregation, where the shared resource such as schools are very well-defined.
Segregation of white and colored children in public schools has a detrimental effect upon the colored children. The impact is greater when it has the sanction of the law, for the policy of separating the races is usually interpreted as denoting the inferiority of the Negro group… Any language in contrary to this finding is rejected. We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.
School attendance is usually straightforward to measure: it is generally explicit which students attend what schools, but in the case of residential segregation we are forced to rely on the fuzzy notion of neighborhoods. In practice, this means that researchers simply adopt the tract or blockgroup as a placeholder for the neighborhood, then examine blockgroup or tract-level segregation.
Here, we’ll use PySAL’s segregation module to analyze residential segregation by race and ethnicity in Southern California, and we begin by collecting data for the entire region, then partitioning it into the coastal and inland sections.
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17.1 Residential Segregation Measures
The segregation package calculates dozens of segregation indices, each of which captures something different about the ways that population groups interact or remain separated in space. Most of the commonly-used statistics are global or aggregate measures, meaning they summarize the total level of segregation across all units in a study region.
17.1.1 Single-Group Indices
Single-group indices measure the partitioning of one population group relative to everyone else.
Each class has a statistic attribute that holds the computed value for each segregation measure
According to the Dissimilarity and Gini indices, the black population in southern California is more segregated than the Latinx/Hispanic population, but the reverse is true according to the Entropy index Batch Computation
To examine several indices at once, segregation provides a set of “batch_compute” functions. Instead of a fitted Class, the batch_compute_singlegroup function returns a table of segregation indices and is a convenient way of collecting many statistics simultaneously.
Multigroup measures capture the partitioning of several population groups simultaneously. Most multigroup measures are extensions of singlegroup measures and have a more recent history in the literature. (Reardon & Firebaugh, 2002).
Unlike global measures, local segregation statistics measure segregation in each geographic unit rather than summarizing segregation across the region. For example the recently proposed Distortion index is designed to visualize how segregation changes over a region (Bézenac et al., 2022; Olteanu et al., 2019).
The use of trajectory convergence analysis provides a flexible way for capturing change across all scales from small spatial units and how the rate of convergence to the citywide average modifies over space. Thus, the method provides an analysis of how far, in spatial terms, any individual or neighborhood is from the citywide multigroup distribution.