25  Ecometrics and CFA

Sampson and Raudenbush outline a theory of “ecometrics” designed to capture the social-ecological context as a way to help measure the latent construct of collective efficacy. A key to the original methodology is that it relies on actual observations of social interaction as measured by an intentionally-designed survey. These data are combined with others gathered via systematic social observation.

This idea has been expanded to include new forms of data like google street maps and VGI (boston stuff). We usually don’t have SSO data, but we do have lots of other data like 411 reports, google street view, and satellite imagery and we may be able to substitute these data for SSO–if we believe they accurately capture the social process under investigation (i.e. if we believe that some social process like “disorder” is the underlying driver of the observed data).

The key distinction between ecometrics and earlier methods like factor ecology is the reliance on a formal theoretical model underneath. We’re not allowing the data to speak for themselves; instead we are specifying a set of theoretical social processes which are unobservable directly, but might be inferred to exist if we treat them as latent variables. We then fit a model and test whether these latent constructs appear as specified.

Using the ecometric framework, we can try and capture the geography of opportunity following the theory outlined by Galster, who argues that individual-level outcomes are a function of individual characteristics, as well as spatial characteristics (at multiple scales).

\[O_{it} = \alpha + \beta[P_{it}] + \gamma[P_i] + \varphi[UP_{it}] + \delta[UP_i] + \theta[N_{jt}] + \mu[M_{kt}] + \epsilon\]


To capture the geography of opportunity, then, our focus is on the \(M\) and \(N\) components of the equation

acccording to Galster (2013), the key vectors of these terms are composed of four categories: - social-interactive, - environmental, - geographic, and - institutional.

These categories are well supported by the empirical literature, and are theoretically grounded in causal processes that generate socioeconomic outcomes.

Following Knaap,

One way to address this problem is to treat the quantification of opportunity as a measurement error problem. Through a liberal interpretation, this may be viewed as an extension of ecometrics, a methodology concerned with developing measures of neighborhood social ecology (raudenbush1999ecometrics?; Mujahid:AmJEpidemiol:2007?; OBrien2013?). In this framework, opportunity and its subdimensions are viewed as latent variables that cannot be measured directly, but can be estimated by modeling the covariation among the indicators through which they manifest. As with any measurement model, however, opportunity metrics require a sound theoretical framework for organizing and specifying relationships among variables. As described above, a major weakness of opportunity analyses to date has been the lack of a sound framework for organizing indicators into categories of metrics. To address this issue, I argue that the literature on neighborhood effects offers a sound organizing framework for classifying subdimensions of opportunity. Specifically, I propose that neighborhood indicators should be categorized according to the four mechanisms of neighborhood effects outlined by Galster (2013): social-interactive, environmental, geographic, and institutional. These categories are well supported by the empirical literature, and are theoretically grounded in causal processes that generate socioeconomic outcomes.

from factor_analyzer import (ConfirmatoryFactorAnalyzer, ModelSpecificationParser)
Init signature:
Fit a confirmatory factor analysis model using maximum likelihood.
specification : :class:`ModelSpecification` or None, optional
    A model specification. This must be a :class:`ModelSpecification` object
    or ``None``. If ``None``, a :class:`ModelSpecification` object will be
    generated assuming that ``n_factors`` == ``n_variables``, and that
    all variables load on all factors. Note that this could mean the
    factor model is not identified, and the optimization could fail.
    Defaults to `None`.
n_obs : int or None, optional
    The number of observations in the original data set.
    If this is not passed and ``is_cov_matrix`` is ``True``,
    then an error will be raised.
    Defaults to ``None``.
is_cov_matrix : bool, optional
    Whether the input ``X`` is a covariance matrix. If ``False``,
    assume it is the full data set.
    Defaults to ``False``.
bounds : list of tuples or None, optional
    A list of minimum and maximum boundaries for each element
    of the input array. This must equal ``x0``, which is the
    input array from your parsed and combined model specification.
    The length is:
    ((n_factors * n_variables) + n_variables + n_factors +
    (((n_factors * n_factors) - n_factors) // 2)
    If `None`, nothing will be bounded.
    Defaults to ``None``.
max_iter : int, optional
    The maximum number of iterations for the optimization routine.
    Defaults to 200.
tol : float or None, optional
    The tolerance for convergence.
    Defaults to ``None``.
disp : bool, optional
    Whether to print the scipy optimization ``fmin`` message to
    standard output.
    Defaults to ``True``.
    If `is_cov_matrix` is `True`, and `n_obs` is not provided.
model : ModelSpecification
    The model specification object.
loadings_ : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
    The factor loadings matrix.
    ``None``, if ``fit()``` has not been called.
error_vars_ : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
    The error variance matrix
factor_varcovs_ : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
    The factor covariance matrix.
log_likelihood_ : float
    The log likelihood from the optimization routine.
aic_ : float
    The Akaike information criterion.
bic_ : float
    The Bayesian information criterion.
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from factor_analyzer import (ConfirmatoryFactorAnalyzer,
...                              ModelSpecificationParser)
>>> X = pd.read_csv('tests/data/test11.csv')
>>> model_dict = {"F1": ["V1", "V2", "V3", "V4"],
...               "F2": ["V5", "V6", "V7", "V8"]}
>>> model_spec = ModelSpecificationParser.parse_model_specification_from_dict(X, model_dict)
>>> cfa = ConfirmatoryFactorAnalyzer(model_spec, disp=False)
>>> cfa.fit(X.values)
>>> cfa.loadings_
array([[0.99131285, 0.        ],
       [0.46074919, 0.        ],
       [0.3502267 , 0.        ],
       [0.58331488, 0.        ],
       [0.        , 0.98621042],
       [0.        , 0.73389239],
       [0.        , 0.37602988],
       [0.        , 0.50049507]])
>>> cfa.factor_varcovs_
array([[1.        , 0.17385704],
       [0.17385704, 1.        ]])
>>> cfa.get_standard_errors()
(array([[0.06779949, 0.        ],
       [0.04369956, 0.        ],
       [0.04153113, 0.        ],
       [0.04766645, 0.        ],
       [0.        , 0.06025341],
       [0.        , 0.04913149],
       [0.        , 0.0406604 ],
       [0.        , 0.04351208]]),
 array([0.11929873, 0.05043616, 0.04645803, 0.05803088,
        0.10176889, 0.06607524, 0.04742321, 0.05373646]))
>>> cfa.transform(X.values)
array([[-0.46852166, -1.08708035],
       [ 2.59025301,  1.20227783],
       [-0.47215977,  2.65697245],
       [-1.5930886 , -0.91804114],
       [ 0.19430887,  0.88174818],
       [-0.27863554, -0.7695101 ]])
Init docstring: Initialize the analyzer object.
File:           ~/mambaforge/envs/urban_analysis/lib/python3.10/site-packages/factor_analyzer/confirmatory_factor_analyzer.py
Type:           type
from geosnap import DataStore
from geosnap import analyze as gaz
from geosnap import visualize as gvz
from geosnap import io as gio
datasets = DataStore()
/Users/knaaptime/mambaforge/envs/urban_analysis/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geosnap/_data.py:66: UserWarning: The geosnap data storage class is provided for convenience only. The geosnap developers make no promises regarding data quality, consistency, or availability, nor are they responsible for any use/misuse of the data. The end-user is responsible for any and all analyses or applications created with the package.
'/Users/knaaptime/Library/Application Support/geosnap'
balt = gio.get_acs(datasets, msa_fips='12580', years=[2020], level='bg')
/Users/knaaptime/mambaforge/envs/urban_analysis/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geosnap/io/constructors.py:195: UserWarning: Currency columns unavailable at this resolution; not adjusting for inflation

0       2.074109
1      19.256178
2       5.142332
3       3.562818
4       3.203015
712    19.483568
713     9.641694
714    22.825186
715    53.123387
716    54.981914
Name: p_poverty_rate, Length: 717, dtype: float64
0          NaN
1       1125.0
2       1694.0
3       1584.0
4          NaN
1987     233.0
1988     235.0
1989     273.0
1990       NaN
1991     241.0
Name: median_contract_rent, Length: 1992, dtype: float64
0        0.000000
1        0.000000
2        0.000000
3       15.584416
4        9.926471
1987     0.000000
1988     0.000000
1989    60.515021
1990    40.613027
1991     0.000000
Name: p_female_headed_families, Length: 1992, dtype: float64
Signature: gio.get_nces(datastore, years='1516', dataset='sabs')
Extract a subset of data from the National Center for Educational Statistics as a long-form geodataframe.
datastore : geosnap.DataStore
    an instantiated DataStore object
years : str, optional
    set of academic years to return formatted as a 4-digit string representing the two years
    from a single period of the academic calendar. For example, the 2015-2016 academic year
    is represented as "1516". Defaults to "1516"
dataset : str, optional
    which NCES dataset to query. Options include `sabs`, `districts`, or `schools`
    Defaults to 'sabs'
    long-form geodataframe with 'year' column representing each time period
File:      ~/mambaforge/envs/urban_analysis/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geosnap/io/constructors.py
Type:      function
sabs = gio.get_nces(datasets)
sabs = sabs[sabs.intersects(balt.to_crs(sabs.crs).unary_union)]

seda = gio.get_seda(accept_eula=True)
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[42], line 1
----> 1 seda = gio.get_seda(accept_eula=True)

AttributeError: module 'geosnap.io' has no attribute 'get_seda'
seda = datasets.seda(accept_eula=True)
/Users/knaaptime/mambaforge/envs/urban_analysis/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geosnap/_data.py:204: UserWarning: Streaming data from SEDA archive at <https://exhibits.stanford.edu/data/catalog/db586ns4974>.
Use `geosnap.io.store_seda()` to store the data locally for better performance
sedasch sedaschname fips stateabb subcat subgroup gradecenter gap tot_asmts cellcount ... gcs_mn_grd_ol_se gcs_mn_mth_ol_se gcs_mn_avg_eb gcs_mn_coh_eb gcs_mn_grd_eb gcs_mn_mth_eb gcs_mn_avg_eb_se gcs_mn_coh_eb_se gcs_mn_grd_eb_se gcs_mn_mth_eb_se
0 010000201667 Camps 1 AL all all 7.5 0 13 2 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 010000201670 Det Ctr 1 AL all all 7.5 0 2 1 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 010000201705 Wallace Sch - Mt Meigs Campus 1 AL all all 7.0 0 98 12 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 010000201706 McNeel Sch - Vacca Campus 1 AL all all 7.0 0 118 12 ... NaN NaN 2.617151 NaN NaN NaN 0.470695 NaN NaN NaN
4 010000500870 Albertville Middle School 1 AL all all 7.5 0 12520 39 ... NaN 0.165719 6.363170 -0.026773 NaN -0.257613 0.082774 0.027471 NaN 0.155704
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
82483 729999200586 TOMAS ALBA EDISON 72 PR all all 5.0 0 36 3 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
82484 729999200776 CENTRO VOCACIONAL ESPECIAL 72 PR all all 7.0 0 20 7 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
82485 729999201270 TOMAS CARRION MADURO 72 PR all all 5.5 0 140 27 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
82486 729999201511 JOSE M. TORRES 72 PR all all 5.5 0 1505 48 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
82487 729999202037 VICTOR ROJAS 1 72 PR all all 7.0 0 79 11 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

82488 rows × 27 columns

SrcName ncessch schnam leaid gslo gshi defacto stAbbrev openEnroll Shape_Leng Shape_Area level MultiBdy geometry year
13648 CENTRAL 100019000049 Central Middle School 1000190 07 08 0 DE 0 175363.725385 5.007095e+08 2 0 POLYGON ((-8407593.100 4757523.450, -8407558.1... 1516
13649 DOVER 100019000050 Dover High School 1000190 09 12 0 DE 0 175363.725385 5.007095e+08 3 0 POLYGON ((-8407593.100 4757523.450, -8407558.1... 1516
13652 HARTLY 100019000053 Hartly Elementary School 1000190 PK 04 0 DE 0 89121.606361 1.590547e+08 1 0 POLYGON ((-8417807.811 4750035.861, -8417830.7... 1516
13656 WILLIAM HENRY 100019000058 William Henry Middle School 1000190 05 06 0 DE 0 175363.725385 5.007095e+08 2 0 POLYGON ((-8407593.100 4757523.450, -8407558.1... 1516
13783 SMYRNA 100162000141 Smyrna Middle School 1001620 06 08 0 DE 0 181685.335949 7.544446e+08 2 0 POLYGON ((-8413012.559 4784548.843, -8413007.5... 1516
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
30984 None 240063001242 Easton High 2400630 09 12 0 MD 0 184440.210578 8.073253e+08 3 0 POLYGON ((-8467148.930 4703358.544, -8467132.3... 1516
30985 None 240063001243 Easton Middle 2400630 06 08 0 MD 0 184440.210578 8.073253e+08 2 0 POLYGON ((-8467148.930 4703358.544, -8467132.3... 1516
30991 Not provided 240063099991 Unassigned 2400630 KG 05 0 MD 0 400134.693015 6.383886e+08 1 0 POLYGON ((-8470595.787 4705531.321, -8470628.8... 1516
30992 Not provided 240063099992 Unassigned 2400630 06 08 0 MD 0 400134.693015 6.383886e+08 2 0 POLYGON ((-8470595.787 4705531.321, -8470628.8... 1516
30993 Not provided 240063099993 Unassigned 2400630 09 12 0 MD 0 400134.693015 6.383886e+08 3 0 POLYGON ((-8470595.787 4705531.321, -8470628.8... 1516

682 rows × 15 columns

sabs = sabs.merge(seda, left_on='ncessch', right_on='sedasch')
Index(['SrcName', 'ncessch', 'schnam', 'leaid', 'gslo', 'gshi', 'defacto',
       'stAbbrev', 'openEnroll', 'Shape_Leng', 'Shape_Area', 'level',
       'MultiBdy', 'geometry', 'year', 'sedasch', 'sedaschname', 'fips',
       'stateabb', 'subcat', 'subgroup', 'gradecenter', 'gap', 'tot_asmts',
       'cellcount', 'mn_asmts', 'gcs_mn_avg_ol', 'gcs_mn_coh_ol',
       'gcs_mn_grd_ol', 'gcs_mn_mth_ol', 'gcs_mn_avg_ol_se',
       'gcs_mn_coh_ol_se', 'gcs_mn_grd_ol_se', 'gcs_mn_mth_ol_se',
       'gcs_mn_avg_eb', 'gcs_mn_coh_eb', 'gcs_mn_grd_eb', 'gcs_mn_mth_eb',
       'gcs_mn_avg_eb_se', 'gcs_mn_coh_eb_se', 'gcs_mn_grd_eb_se',
